Important Abbreviations
1. NEFT = National Electronic Funds Transfer
2. GDP = Gross Domestic Product
3. CTR = Cash Transaction Receipt
4. CTS = Cheque Truncation System
5. ATM = Automated Teller Machine
Medical Abbreviations:
6. AAA = Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
7. Ab. = Abortion
8. ADT = Active Death Therapy
9. AIMS = Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale
10. AMIC = Advanced Medical Imaging Center
11. ICU = Intensive Care Unit
12. AIDs = Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
Business Abbreviations:
13. VAT = Value Added Tax
14. NPV = Net Present Value
15. BAU = Business As Usual
16. CEO = Chief Executive Officer
17. COO = Chief Operating Officer
18. HRD = Human Resource Development
19. IMF = International Monetary fund
Computer Abbreviations:
20. MAC = Media Access Control
21. LED = Light Emitting Diode
22. J2EE = Java 2 Enterprise Edition
23. ISDN = Integrated Services Digital Network
25. GUI = Graphical User Interface
25. FIFO = First In First Out
26. DNS = Domain Name System
27. DBA = Data Base Administrator
28. CRM = Customer Relationship Management
29. COBOL = Common Business Oriented Language
30. CISC = Complex Instruction Set Computer
31. RISC = Reduced Instruction Set Computer
32. CDMA = Code Division Multiple Access
33. BIOS = Basic Input Output System
34. URL = Uniform Resource Locator
35. 3D = Three Dimensional
36. 4G = Fourth Generation
37. ACK = Acknowledgement
38. API = Application Programming Interface
39. ASCII = American Standard Code for Information Interchange
40. ASP = Application Service Provider / Active Server Pages
41. CAPTCHA = Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart
42. COMPUTER = Common Operating Machine particularly Used for Trade, Education and Research
43. JPEG = Joint Photographic Experts Group
44. JVM = Java Virtual Machine
45. RACF = Resource Access Control Facility
Internet Abbreviations:
46. EMD = Exact Match Domain
47. NET = Network Service Providers
48. CGI = Common Gateway Interface
49. LAN = Local Area Network
50. WAN = Wide Area Network
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