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Computer based General Knowledge

Computer based General Knowledge

basic computer questions for interview
Computer based General Knowledge

1. "The fathers of the Internet" is
Ans : Vint Cerf

2. Which is the news search engine introduced by in 2012?
Ans : Realtime News Search

3. The inventor of the World Wide Web?
Ans : Tim Berners-Lee  --> The first web browser was invented in 1990 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. It was called WorldWideWeb and was later renamed Nexus.)

4. The founder of Netscape Communications?
Ans :  Marc Andreessen   -co-authored Mosaic, the first widely-used web browser and he founded Netscape Communications.

5.Where was the first computer installed in India?
Ans : Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata

6.In internet terminology IP means
Internet Protocol

7. The first page of a website is called the
Ans : Home page

8. A website addresss is a unique name that identifies a specific ____________ on the web.
Ans : Link

9. A ______ is a computer attached to the internet that runs a special web server software and can send web pages out to the other computer over the internet.
Ans : Web sever

10. Which software application is used for accessing sites or information on a network ( as the world wide web)?
Ans : Web browser

11. It is a small piece of text stored on a user's computer by a web browser for maintaining the state. What we are talking about?
Ans : Cookie

12. Which  company is nicknamed  "Big Blue" ?
Ans : IBM(International Business Machines Corporation)

13. Which was the first ever web server software?
Ans : CERN httpd(later also known as W3C httpd) - was a web server (HTTP) daemon originally developed at CERN , it live on 25 December 1990.

14. The standard protocol of the Internet is
Ans : TCP/IP

15. The first web based e-mail sevice?
Ans : Hot mail
Sabeer Bhatia of India and Jack Smith founded the first free web-based email service, Hotmail, in 1995. Hotmail was commercially  launched in 4 July 1996 as "HoTMaiL" on American Independence Day. So why the name HoTMaiL.

16. Which Penguin is the mascot of Linux Operating system?
Ans : TUX

17. i pad is manufactured by
Ans : Apple

18. Which IT company got name from Sanfrancisco?

19. "Connecting people" is the tagline of ....
Ans : Nokia

20. What is IMEI?
Ans : International Mobile Equipment Identity.

21. What is e-zine?
Ans : Electronic Magazines.

22. What is the expansion of ASCII?
Ans : American Standard Code for Information Interchange.

23. Who developed first portable computer?
Ans : Adam Osborne

24. What is NIC?
Ans : Network Interface Card

25. Whose motto is "wisdom of mass principle?
Ans : Wikipedia

26. Who is the father of computer ethics?
Ans : Norbetweiner.

27. Which Indian state implemented 'Cyber Grameen' ?
Ans : Andhra Pradesh

28. What is a blog?
Ans : Online journals and diaries.

29. What is NISG?
Ans : National Institute of Smart Governance

30. Tic-Tac-Toe is .....
Ans : 1st graphical game

31. "Oruma" is Linux based software development by?
Ans : Kerala State Electricity Board.

32. ABC (computer) was developed by ?
Ans : Atanasoff Berry (ABC means Atanasoff Berry Computer)

33. GPS was developed by?
Ans : US Army

34. Expand SUN in sun Micrsystem.
Ans : Stanford University Network

35. 'Being digital' is a famous book written by ?
Ans : Nicholars Negroponte.

36. What is Blue Brain project?
Ans : Cloning of human brain.

37. Which famous web site was found by Jeffry Bezos?
Ans :

38. What is Cyber bulling?
Ans : Threatening through internet

39. Cyber-check is software developed by .....

40. What is pod slumping?
Ans : Information theft by portable devices.

41. In which year the first legalized personal computer sold in Cuba?
Ans : 2008(May)

42. What is three finger salutes?
Ans : Pressing Ctrl + Alt + Del

43. In which year Microsoft Office was launched?
Ans : 1989

44. What is meant by Mouse potato?
Ans : It means a person who spends too much time in front of a computer.

45. Who wrote 'Just for fun' ?
Ans : Linus Torvalds. ( Just for Fun : The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary is a humorous autobiography of Linus Torvalds, the creator of the Linux kernel)

46. Who invented Compact Disc?
Ans : James T Russel

47. Which day is celebrated as world Computer Literacy Day?
Ans : December 2

48. Who invented Java?
Ans : James A Gosling

49. Longhorn was the code name of ?
Ans : Windows Vista

50. Who is known as the Human Computer of India?
Ans : Shakunthala Devi

51. What is mean by Liveware?
Ans : People who work with the computer

52. Which computer engineer got Nobel Prize for literature in 2003?
J.M. Coetzee

53. 'Weaving The Web' was written by.....
Ans : Tim Burners Lee

54. What is Beta Test?
Ans : Trial test of a computer or software before the commercial launch

55. 'Do no evil' is tag line of ......
Ans : Google

56. First Indian cinema released through internet is .....
Ans : Vivah

57. was founded by.....
Ans : Ajith Balakrishnan and Manish Agarwal

58. What is the extension of PDF?
Ans : Portable document format

59. Mows is a type of mouse for ........ people
Ans : Physically handicapped people

60. Expand RDBMS?
Ans : Relational Data Base Management System

61. Difference engine was developed by.....
Ans : Charles Babbage

62. is now owned by ......
Ans : Google

63. World's first microprocessor is .....
Ans : Intel 4004

64. What is SQL?
Ans : Structured Query Language

65. What is the expansion of COBOL?
Ans : Common Business Oriented Language

66. What is the expansion of SMS?
Ans : Short Message Service

67. Which IT company's nickname is ' The Big Blue ' ?
Ans : IBM

68. What is the full form of  IEEE?
Ans : Institute of Electric and Electronic Engineers

69. Who developed COBOL?
Ans : Grace Murry Hopper

70. Email was developed by......
Ans : Raymond Samuel Tomlinson (Ray Tomlinson)

71. Green dam is ......
Ans : Web Filter

72. What is the expanded form of CMOS ?
Ans : Complementary Metal Oxide Semoconductor

73. Who is Netizen ?
Ans : Net Citizen (Citizen who uses internet)

74. What is Scareware?
Ans : Fake antivirus softwares

75. When was the first smart phone launched?
Ans : 1992 (IBM Simon)

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