indian geography general knowledge questions answers
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indian geography general knowledge questions answers |
1.Which planet is called as "God of War"?
A. Mercury.
B. Venus.
C. Mars.
D. Saturn.
Answer: Option C
2.The planet Venus covered by the cloud of-
A. Hcl
B. Hno3
C. H2so4
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
3.Which planet is called as "Red Planet"?
A. Mercury.
B. Mars.
C. Venus.
D. Jupiter.
Answer: Option B
4.Solar system takes 225-250 million years to travel once around the center of the Milky Way Galaxy, this duration of time is known as-
A. Cosmic Year.
B. Leap Year.
C. Galatic Year.
D. Both A and C.
Answer: Option D
5.Solar eclipse occurs when-
A. Sun passes between the Moon and Earth.
B. Earth passes between the Moon and Sun.
C. Moon passes between the Sun and Earth.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
6.Lunar eclipse occurs when-
A. the Moon passes directly behind the Earth.
B. the Sun passes between the Moon and Earth.
C. the Moon passes directly behind the Sun.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
7.Asteroid belt located between the orbits of the planet-
A. Mars and saturn.
B. Mars and Jupiter,
C. Mars and Pluto.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
8.The figure of the Earth is like a-
A. Spheroid.
B. Oblate spheroid.
C. Oval.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
9.Periheli happens on-
A. 4th July.
B. 4th January.
C. 3rd July.
D. 3rd January.
Answer: Option D
10.Apehelion happens on-
A. 1st January.
B. 1st July.
C. 4th January.
D. 4th July.
Answer: Option D
11.At a Prime meridian, longitude is defined to be-
A. 0 Degree.
B. 90 Degree.
C. 180 Degree.
D. 360 Degree.
Answer: Option A
12.Granite is an example of-
A. Igneous Rock.
B. Sedimentary Rock.
C. Metamorphic Rock.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
13.Quartzite is an example of-
A. Igneous Rock.
B. Sedimentary Rock.
C. Metamorphic Rock.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
14.Which is the world's largest ocean?
A. Pacific Ocean.
B. Atlantic Ocean.
C. Indian Ocean.
D. Southern Ocean.
Answer: Option A
15.Ocean covered Earth's surface by-
A. 40 Percent.
B. 51 Percent.
C. 60 Percent.
D. 71 Percent.
Answer: Option D
16.The Earth is divided into how many Ocean's?
A. Two.
B. Five.
C. Eight.
D. Ten.
Answer: Option B
17.Which is the lowest portion of Earth's atmosphere?
A. Troposphere.
B. Stratosphere.
C. Mesosphere.
D. Thermosphere.
Answer: Option A
18. coldest place on the Earth is the-
A. Bottom of the mesosphere.
B. Top of the mesosphere.
C. Top of the troposphere.
D. Bottom of the troposphere.
Answer: Option B
19.Ring of fire seen at-
A. the basin of Atlantic ocean.
B. the basin of Pacific ocean.
C. the basin of Southern ocean.
D. the basin of Indian ocean.
Answer: Option B
20.Isobath is a line on a map that-
A. connects points of same depth below a water surface.
B. connecting areas of equal rainfall.
C. connects points of equal salinity in the ocean.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
21. Isohaline is a line on a map that-
A. connecting areas of equal rainfall.
B. connects points of same depth below a water surface.
C. connects points of equal salinity in the ocean.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
22. Cumulonimbus is a cloud-
A. that associated with lightning, tornados and other dangerous weather.
B. that associated with only rainning.
C. that indicates the condition of normal weather.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
23.Mistral is a strong of cold wind of-
A. Germany.
B. Brazil.
C. France.
D. India.
Answer: Option C
24.Chinook is a dry and warm wind in-
A. North America.
B. Soudi Arab.
C. Japan.
D. India.
Answer: Option A
25.Maori are the indigenous people of-
A. North America.
B. Brazil.
C. New Zeland.
D. South Africa.
Answer: Option C
26. Zulu are the bantu people of-
A. North America.
B. Southern Africa.
C. Canada.
D. Greenland.
Answer: Option B
27. Yankee are the-
A. typical inhabitants of Canada.
B. typical inhabitants of New York.
C. typical inhabitants of India.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
28.Which is the largest island of the world?
A. Greenland.
B. New Guinea.
C. Madagascar.
D. Sumatra.
Answer: Option A
29.Which is the smallest continent of the world?
A. African.
B. Europe.
C. Antarctica.
D. Australia.
Answer: Option D
30.Which is the longest wall of the world?
A. Anastasian Wall in Turkey.
B. Wall of china.
C. Walls of Jericho.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
31.Rainbow appears in-
A. Stratus cloud.
B. Cirrostratus cloud.
C. Nimbostratus cloud.
D. Fractus cloud.
Answer: Option B
32.Component that Sea water mostly contains is-
B. Br
C. Na
D. Mg
Answer: Option A
33.Panama canel connects-
A. the Atlatic ocean to Indian ocean.
B. the Arctic ocean to Pacific ocean.
C. the Atlatic ocean to Pacific ocean.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
34.Which is the highest peak in asia?
A. Mount Everest.
B. Godwin Austen.
C. Cho Oyu.
D. Kangchenjunga.
Answer: Option A
35.Dipper parts of the ocean is called-
A. Mesopelagic zone.
B. Abyssal zone.
C. Bathyal zone.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
36.Which is the highest peak of Africa?
A. Mount Everest.
B. Godwin Austen.
C. Kilimanjaro.
D. Kangchenjunga.
Answer: Option C
37.Kiev, the capital of Ukraine is popular as a-
A. industrial, educational, scientific, and cultural centre.
B. countries major security control centre.
C. historical place.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
38.Which is the highest peak of North America?
A. McKinley.
B. Godwin Austen.
C. Kilimanjaro.
D. Cho Oyu.
Answer: Option A
39.Ocean of Storms realed to-
A. Sun.
B. Moon.
C. Pluto.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
40.Prairie is a grassland of-
A. Russia.
B. Australia.
C. North America.
D. South America.
Answer: Option C
41.Which is the highest peak of South America?
A. McKinley.
B. Aconcagua.
C. Kilimanjaro.
D. Cho Oyu.
Answer: Option B
42.Which is the largest lake of the world?
A. Caspian Sea.
B. Lake Superior.
C. Great Bear Lake.
D. Baikal.
Answer: Option A
43.Which is the largest sweet water lake of the world?
A. Lake Victoria.
B. Lake Superior.
C. Lake Michigan.
D. Lake Tanganyika.
Answer: Option B
44.How much time Pluto takes to travel once around the sun?
A. 24 hours.
B. 248 years.
C. 365 days.
D. 100 years.
Answer: Option B
45.Which is the largest continent of the world?
A. Africa.
B. Europe.
C. Asia.
D. Australia.
Answer: Option C
46.Which is the longest river in asia?
A. Tigris River.
B. Lena river.
C. Yangtsze-Kiang River.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
47.Suez Canal connects-
A. Mediterranean Sea and Adriatic Sea.
B. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.
C. Red Sea and Adriatic Sea.
D. Mediterranean Sea and Red Sea.
Answer: Option B
48.Which is the top coffee producing country from all over the world?
A. Vietnam.
B. Colombia.
C. Brazil.
D. Indonesia.
Answer: Option C
49.Which is the hottest planet?
A. Mercury.
B. Venus.
C. Mars.
D. Jupiter.
Answer: Option B
50.Which is the nearest star to earth except sun?
A. Crux.
B. Triangulum Australe.
C. Vulpecula.
D. Proxima Centauri.
Answer: Option D
51.How much of the Moon surface viewed from the Earth?
A. 39%.
B. 5%.
C. 59%.
D. 9%.
Answer: Option C
52.Kangaroo is the national symbol of-
A. India.
B. Australia.
C. Canada.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
53.Savana is a grassland of-
A. South Africa.
B. Hungery.
C. Russia.
D. New Zealand.
Answer: Option A
54.Tornado is a topical cyclone of-
A. Australia.
B. North America.
C. Japan.
D. China.
Answer: Option B
55.Which is the longest river of the world?
A. Nile.
B. Amazon.
C. Congo.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
56.Which is the highest peak in the world?
A. Mount Everest.
B. Godwin Austen.
C. Cho Oyu.
D. Kangchenjunga.
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