general awareness questions and answers pdf
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general awareness questions and answers pdf |
1. Which among the following is the largest nuclear power station of India by capacity?
[A] Tarapur Atomic Power Station, Maharashtra
[B] Rajasthan Atomic Power Station, Rawatbhata
[C] Kaiga Atomic Power Station, Karnataka
[D] Madras Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam, Tamil Nadu
Correct Answer: A [Tarapur Atomic Power Station, Maharashtra]
With a capacity of 1400 MW, today, Tarapur is the largest nuclear power station in India.
2. Presence of which among the following salts in water causes “Blue Baby Syndrome”?
[A] Sulphate
[B] Chlorides
[C] Carbonates
[D] Nitrates
Correct Answer: D [Nitrates]
Blue Baby Syndrome is caused due to contamination nitrate contamination in ground water.
3. In which among the following years, Essentials Commodities act enacted?
[A] 1955
[B] 1958
[C] 1961
[D] 1975
Correct Answer: A [1955]
Under the Essential Commodities Act 1955, the State Governments/UT Administrations have issued various control orders to regulate various aspects of trading in essential commodities such as food grains, edible oils, pulses, kerosene and sugar etc. The Central Government regularly monitors the action taken by State Governments/UT Administrations to implement the provisions of the Act.
4. In which of the following plants, you can find Leghemoglobin?
[A] Wheat
[B] Soyabean
[C] Potato
[D] Brinjal
Correct Answer: B [Soyabean]
Legume nodules possess special protein called LEGHEMOGLOBIN. The synthesis of leghemoglobin is the result of symbiosis because neither bacteria alone nor legume plant alone possess the protein.
5. Which among the following states is largest producer of Coffee in India?
[A] Tamilnadu
[B] Andhra Pradesh
[C] Karnataka
[D] Kerala
Correct Answer: C [Karnataka]
Karnataka is the largest producer of coffee in India followed by Kerala and Tamil Nadu
6. In which year state of Meghalaya came into existence?
[A] 1970
[B] 1971
[C] 1972
[D] 1973
Correct Answer: C [1972]
Till 1972, Meghalaya was a part of Assam. On 21st Jan 1972 Meghalaya was formed. By carving out United Khasi Hills and Jaintia Hills, and the Garo Hills on from Assam.
7. From which among the following parts of a plant Cinnamon is obtained?
[A] Leaves
[B] Seeds
[C] Bark
[D] Buds
Correct Answer: C [Bark]
Cinnamon is produced from inner bark of the cinnamon trees.
8. The Mocha Town, which was once famous and largest exporter of Mocha Coffee is located in which among the following countries?
[A] Bahrain
[B] Yemen
[C] Syria
[D] Ethiopia
Correct Answer: B [Yemen]
9. Which among the following Island of the Andaman & Nicobar islands contains the only known examples of mud volcanoes in India, called locally as “jalki”?
[A] Baratang Island
[B] Barren Island
[C] Car Nicobar
[D] Havelock Island
Correct Answer: A [Baratang Island]
10. In which of the following states is located the Indian Astronomical Observatory?
[A] Karnataka
[B] Uttar Pradesh
[C] Maharashtra
[D] Jammu & Kashmir
Correct Answer: D [Jammu & Kashmir]
Indian Astronomical Observatory is located in Leh in Ladakh (Jammu & Kashmir). It is operated by Indian Institute of Astro-physics (Bangalore).
11. Which among the following acts, incorporated 11th Fundamental duty in Indian Constitution?
[A] 42nd Amendment Act
[B] 43rd Amendment Act
[C] 86th Amendment Act
[D] 89th Amendment Act
Correct Answer: C [86th Amendment Act ]
Based On the recommendations Sardar Swaran Singh Committee 10 Fundamental Duties were added in Part-IV of the Constitution under Article 51-A in the year 1976 through the 42nd Constitutional Amendment.
Later in the year 2002, 11th Fundamental duty was added through 86th constitutional Amendment Act. It states that A parent or guardian has to provide opportunities for the education of his child/ward between the age of six and fourteen years.
12. Via which of the following amendments, the term “Socialist” was inserted in Preamble of Indian constitution?
[A] 38th Amendment Act
[B] 42nd Amendment Act
[C] 49th Amendment Act
[D] 52nd Amendment Act
Correct Answer: B [42nd Amendment Act]
By the 42nd Constitutional Amendment Act (1976), three new words were added to the preamble of the constitution- socialist, secular and integrity.
13. Which among the following article of the Constitution of India says that all public places are open to all citizens?
[A] Article 15 (2)
[B] Article 16 (2)
[C] Article 17
[D] Article 18
Correct Answer: A [Article 15 (2)]
Article 15(2) says that all public places are open to all citizens without any discrimination. Article 16 (2)- No citizen shall, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, sex, descent, place of birth, residence or any of them, be ineligible for, or discriminated against in respect or, any employment or office under the State.
14. For how many years, Great Migration in Europe lasted?
[A] 2 centuries
[B] 4 centuries
[C] 6 centuries
[D] 1 century
Correct Answer: B [4 centuries]
15. The temple city of Osian, near Jodhpur was built by which among the following Rajput Kings?
[A] Pratiharas
[B] Solankis
[C] Chauhanas
[D] Parmaras
Correct Answer: A [Pratiharas]
16. Who among the following legendary kings was also known as “Sarvadamana” in his childhood?
[A] Asoka
[B] Bharata
[C] Chandragupta Maurya
[D] Samudra Gupta
Correct Answer: B [Bharata]
Bharta was also known as was also known as “Sarvadamana” in his childhood. Sarvadamana means the subduer of all. India has been called as Bharatavarsha after him.
17. Who among the following translated “Gita Govinda” in 1792?
[A] Sir Willam Jones
[B] Charles Wilkins
[C] Sir Robert Chambers
[D] H.H. Wilson
Correct Answer: A [Sir Willam Jones]
Gita Goivinda is a sanskirt text composed by Jayadeva in 12th century.
In the year 1792 William Jones translated “Gita Govinda’’ into English.
Charles Wilkins translated Bhagavad Gita into English.
18. Which among the following dynasty was identified only on the basis of Coins?
[A] Gupta
[B] Kushana
[C] Rastrakuta
[D] Chalukya
Correct Answer: B [Kushana]
19. In which year Archaeological Survey of India was made a permanent body?
[A] 1902
[B] 1861
[C] 1906
[D] 1910
Correct Answer: C [1906]
Archaeological Survey of India was founded in the year 1861 by Alexander Cunnigham. In the year 1906 it was made as permanent body.
20. Which among the following constitutional amendment act, reduced the age of voting from 21 years to 18 years?
[A] 59th Amendment Act
[B] 60th Amendment Act
[C] 61st Amendment Act
[D] 62nd Amendment Act
Correct Answer: C [61st Amendment Act]
In the year 1989 through 61st constitutional amendment act, reduced the age of voting from 21 years to 18 years.
21. Which among the following movement started with “breaking the salt law”?
[A] Non-cooperation Movement
[B] Civil Disobedience Movement
[C] Quit India Movement
[D] Home Rule Movement
Correct Answer: B [Civil Disobedience Movement]
22. Who among the following was the socialist leader, who ran away from the Hazaribagh Prison and joined the Quit India Movement?
[A] Ram Manohar Lohia
[B] Minoo Masani
[C] Jayprakash Narayan
[D] Achyut Patwardhan
Correct Answer: C [Jayprakash Narayan]
JP had successfully escaped from Hazaribagh central jail in 1942 and then along with Mrs Aruna Asaf Ali and other socialists, he organized an underground movement to harass the British.
23. Who among the following were known as Tocharians?
[A] Kushans
[B] Shakas
[C] Hunas
[D] Kalabhras
Correct Answer: A [Kushans]
Kushans are also known as Yuechis or Tocharians.
24. Two schools, viz. Mathura School of Art and Gandhara School of Art flourished in which among the following era?
[A] Shakas
[B] Kushans
[C] Satavahanas
[D] Guptas
Correct Answer: B [Kushans]
25. Who among the following defeated Harshavardhana on the banks of river Narmada?
[A] Pulkesin I
[B] Kirtivarman I
[C] Pulkesin II
[D] Vikramaditya I
Correct Answer: C [Pulkesin II]
Harshavardhana was defeated by Chalukya king Pulakesin-II in circa. 615 AD on the bank of river Narmada. This was the most notable military achievement of Pulakeshin and it ended influence of Harsha from south of Narmada river and established this river as boundary between Uttarpatha and Dakshnipatha.
26. Which among the following two cities were joined by “Sadak-i-Azam” or the precursor of the Grand Trunk Road built by Shershah Suri?
[A] Agra & Calcutta
[B] Delhi & Patna
[C] Delhi & Sasaram
[D] Agra & Sasaram
Correct Answer: D [Agra & Sasaram]
27. Which among the following was located on the banks of Tungabhadra River?
[A] Vijayanagar Empire
[B] Chalukyas of Vatapi
[C] Chalukyas of Badami
[D] Bahmani Kingdom
Correct Answer: A [Vijayanagar Empire]
Vijayanagar Empire was established by Hari Hara-I and Bukka-I in the year 1336 on the banks of Tungabhadra River.
28. In which of the following cities of India is located world’s first complete granite temple?
[A] Varanasi
[B] Mathura
[C] Thanjaur
[D] Madurai
Correct Answer: C [Thanjaur]
Brihadeeswarar Temple in Thanjaur (in Tamil Nadu) was the world’s first complete granite temple
29. Who among the following was placed on the throne of Nawab of Bengal after the Battle of Buxar?
[A] Shiraj-ud-daula
[B] Mir Kasim
[C] Mir Jafar
[D] Najimuddin Ali Khan
Correct Answer: C [Mir Jafar]
Battle of Buxar took place in the year 1764. Mir Jafar became the new Nawab of Bengal after Battle of Buxar.
30. Which of the following Mughal Emperor’s is also known to be a very good player of Veena?
[A] Akbar
[B] Jahangir
[C] Shah Jahan
[D] Aurangzeb
Correct Answer: D [Aurangzeb]
31. The terms Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia are related to which among the following?
[A] Body Fat
[B] Blood Sugar
[C] Metabolism of sugar galactose
[D] Respiration
Correct Answer: B [Blood Sugar]
Hypoglycemia: low blood sugar
Hyperglycemia: High blood sugar
32. Opium is obtained from the dry latex from which part of the Papaver somniferum Plant?
[A] Stem
[B] Leaves
[C] Poppy
[D] Stem joints
Correct Answer: C [Poppy]
33. Which part of the Human Body stores Glycogen?
[A] Liver
[B] Intestine
[C] Pancreas
[D] Skin
Correct Answer: A [Liver]
In liver Simple sugars (monosaccharides) which are in excess are converted into complex polysaccharides like glycogen.
34. What is the original name of Santa Claus?
[A] St. Thomas
[B] St. Nicholas
[C] St. Louis
[D] St. Peter
Correct Answer: B [St. Nicholas]
35. Who among the following has written the book- -“The Men Who Killed Gandhi”?
[A] R. K. Narayan
[B] Manohar Malgonkar
[C] Raghunath Vinayak Dhulekar
[D] Rajshekhar Basu
Correct Answer: B [Manohar Malgonkar]
36. Narrow water area attached with a main land in the form of channels, known as “Kayals” are found in which among the following states of India?
[A] Karnataka
[B] Maharashtra
[C] Kerala
[D] Tamil Nadu
Correct Answer: C [Kerala]
The Malabar coast has got certain distinguishing features in the form of ‘Kayals’ (backwaters), which are used for fishing, inland navigation
Every year the famous Nehru Trophy Vallamkali (boat race) is held in Punnamada Kayal in Kerala.
Kochchi Port situated at the head of Vembanad Kayal
37. Which among the following rivers originates from the Amarkantak?
[A] Betwa
[B] Mahi
[C] Narmada
[D] Tapti
Correct Answer: C [Narmada]
The Narmada rises in the Amarkantak hills in Madhya Pradesh
The Tapi rises in the Satpura ranges, in the Betul district of Madhya Pradesh.
River Betwa is the tributary of Yamuna and it rises in Vindhya ranges
38. Which port is known as Queen of Arabian Sea?
[A] Vizag port
[B] Paradip port
[C] Kochi Port
[D] Mumbai Port
Correct Answer: C [Kochi Port]
Kochi Port is a natural Harbour, situated at the head of Vembanad Kayal, popularly known as the “Queen of the Arabian Sea”
39. Who among the following was the first Indian Scholar who treated Mathematics as a different subject?
[A] Aryabhata
[B] Apastamba
[C] Baudhayana
[D] Katyayana
Correct Answer: A [Aryabhata]
40. Which of the following Union Territories have Rajya Sabha members?
Andaman & Nicobar Islands
Select the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] 1 only
[B] 1 & 2
[C] 1, 2 & 3
[D] 1, 2, 3 & 4
Correct Answer: B [1 & 2]
Among all the union territories only Delhi and Puducherry have representation in Rajya Sabha.
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