Indian constitution Questions answer for competitive exams
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Indian constitution Questions answer for competitive exams |
1.Minimum age to be a member of Rajyasabha is;
A. 25 yr.
B. 30 yr.
C. 35 yr.
D. 40 yr.
Answer: Option B
2.Minimum age to be a Chief minister is;
A. 25 yr.
B. 30 yr.
C. 35 yr.
D. 40 yr.
Answer: Option A
3.Chairman of Rajyasabha is;
A. President.
B. Vice president.
C. Prime minister.
D. Rajyapal.
Answer: Option B
4.Chairm of Planning commission is;
A. President.
B. Vice president.
C. Prime minister.
D. Speaker.
Answer: Option C
5.Ti limit of loksabha is;
A. 1 yr.
B. 3 yr.
C. 4 yr.
D. 5 yr.
Answer: Option D
6.Responsibility of contingency fund is given to;
A. President.
B. Prime minister.
C. Speaker.
D. Vice president.
Answer: Option A
7.Prime minister appointed by;
A. Speaker.
B. President.
C. Vice president.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
8.Advocate general of states appointed by;
A. Chief minister.
B. Rajyapal.
C. President.
D. Prime minister.
Answer: Option C
9.Indian constitution give the permission to share his/her view to any court of India, to;
A. President.
B. Prime minister.
C. Attorney general.
D. Speaker.
Answer: Option C
10.Account of central and state government is;
A. Attorney general.
B. President.
C. Comtroller and Auditor general(CAG).
D. Speaker.
Answer: Option C
11.The head or all in all of the three(Air,Water,Land) forces is;
A. President.
B. Vice president.
C. Prime minister.
D. Speaker.
Answer: Option A
12. chief of the three(Air,Water,Land) forces is;
A. Head of land force.
B. President.
C. Attorney general.
D. Prime minister.
Answer: Option A
13.Indian constitution can be corrected in;
A. 356 number Article.
B. 360 number Article.
C. 358 number Article.
D. 370 number Article.
Answer: Option C
14.Who is called as the founder of Indian Constitution?
A. Dr. B.R Ambedkar.
B. Dr. Rjendra Prasad.
C. J.L Nehru.
D. Sir Patric lawraance.
Answer: Option A
15.First female judge of suprepe court is;
A. Meera Kumar.
B. Mira saheb fatema bibi.
C. Prativa devisingh patil.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
15.Supreme court has;
A. 1 area.
B. 3 area.
C. 5 area.
D. 10 area.
Answer: Option C
16.Economic relation between central //7 state government are mentioned in between;
A. 256-289 number article.
B. 280-350 number article.
C. 264-300 number article.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
17.Fi general election was held on;
A. 1951.
B. 1952.
C. 1953.
D. 1954.
Answer: Option B
18.State reorganization Act passed on;
A. 1st nov,1955.
B. 1st oct,1956.
C. 1st nov,1956.
D. 1st oct,1955.
Answer: Option C
19.Maximum income of India is dependent on;
A. Coal.
B. Oil products.
C. Agriculture.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
20.Who designed the Indian flag;
A. B.R Ambedkar.
B. Vikoji Rastam kama.
C. Sir patric lawrrance.
D. Pingali Venkayya.
Answer: Option D
21.Fi correction made to Indian citizenship law on;
A. 1985.
B. 1986.
C. 1987.
D. 1988.
Answer: Option B
22.Who was the first election commissionar of India?
A. Sukumar Sen.
B. Vikoji rastam kama.
C. B.R Ambedkar.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
23.Sarkaria commission made for;
A. Mataining relationship between central and state government.
B. Developing zonal commission.
C. Both a & b.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option A
24.Resudi power given to;
A. State government.
B. Central government.
C. Both a & b.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
25.First language based state is;
A. West Bengal.
B. Maharashtra.
C. Andhrapradesh.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option C
26.Who described the Aim and Philosophy of Indian constitution?
A. Jawarlal Nehru.
B. Mahatma Gandhi.
C. B.R Ambedkar.
D. Sir. patric lawrrance.
Answer: Option A
27.Exc is a;
A. Direct tax.
B. Indirect tax.
C. Both a & b.
D. None of these.
Answer: Option B
28.Indian Independence law came into force on;
A. 18th March,1947.
B. 18th april,1947.
C. 18th july,1947.
D. 18th sept,1947.
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